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The below publications are also available from these links (or you can send an email if you want a copy):





List of published articles (updated Mar/2020)



  • Di Marco, M., M. Baker, P. Daszak, P. De Barro, E.A. Eskew, C. Godde, T. Harwood, M. Herrero, A. Hoskins, E. Johnson, W.B. Karesh, C. Machalaba, J. Navarro Garcia, D. Paini, R. Pirzl, M. Stafford Smith, C. Zambrana-Torrelio, and S. Ferrier (2020) Sustainable development must account for pandemic risk. PNAS, doi: 10.1073/pnas.2001655117.

  • O'Bryan, C.J., J.R. Allan, M. Holden, C. Sanderson, O. Venter, M. Di Marco, E. McDonald-Madden, J.E.M. Watson (2020) Intense human pressure is widespread across terrestrial vertebrate ranges. Global Ecology and Conservation 21, e00882



  • Di Marco, M., S. Ferrier, T.D. Harwood, A.J. Hoskins, J.E.M. Watson (2019) Wilderness areas halve the extinction risk of terrestrial biodiversity. Nature 573, 582-585

  • Pacifici, M., A. Cristiano, A.A. Burbidge, J.C. Woinarski,  M. Di Marco, & C. Rondinini (2019). Geographic distribution ranges of terrestrial mammal species in the 1970s. Ecology, e02747.

  • Coad, L., J.E.M. Watson, J. Geldmann, N. D. Burgess, F. Leverington, M. Hockings, K. Knights, and M. Di Marco (2019) Widespread shortfalls in protected area resourcing significantly undermine efforts to conserve biodiversity. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 17(5):259-264.

  • Di Marco, M., T.D. Harwood, A.J. Hoskins, C. Ware, S.L.L. Hill, S. Ferrier (2019) Projecting impacts of global climate and land-use scenarios on plant biodiversity using compositional-turnover modelling. Global Change Biology, 25(8):2763-2778

  • Mappin, B., A.L.M. Chauvenet, V.M. Adams, M. Di Marco, H.L. Beyer, O. Venter, B.S. Halpern, H.P. Possingham, J.E.M. Watson (2019) Restoration priorities to achieve the global protected area target. Conservation Letters, 12(4):e12646

  • Sibarani, M., M. Di Marco, C. Rondinini, and S. Kark (2019) Measuring the surrogacy potential of charismatic megafauna species across taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity on a megadiverse island. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56(5):1220-1231



  • Allan, J.R., J.E.M. Watson, M. Di Marco, C.J. O’Bryan, H.P. Possingham, S.C. Atkinson, O. Venter (2019) Hotspots of human impact on threatened terrestrial vertebrates. PLoS Biology, 17(3):e3000158.

  • Smith, R.J., L. Bennun, T.M. Brooks, S.H.M. Butchart, A. Cuttelod, M. Di Marco, S. Ferrier, L.D.C. Fishpool, L. Joppa, D. Juffe-Bignoli, A.T. Knight, J.F. Lamoreux, P. Langhammer, H.P. Possingham, C. Rondinini, P. Visconti, J.E.M. Watson, S. Woodley, L. Boitani, N.D. Burgess, N. De Silva, N. Dudley, F. Fivaz, E.T. Game, C. Groves, M. Lotter, J. McGowan, A. J. Plumptre, A.G. Rebelo, J.P. Rodriguez, and C.A.d.M. Scaramuzza (2019) Synergies between the Key Biodiversity Area and systematic conservation planning approaches. Conservation Letters, 12(1):e12625.



  • Di Marco, M., O. Venter, H.P. Possingham, J.E.M. Watson (2018) Changes in human footprint drive changes in species extinction risk. Nature Communications, 9:4621.


  • Kim, H., I.M.D. Rosa, R. Alkemade, P. Leadley, G. Hurtt, A. Popp, D. van Vuuren, P. Anthoni, A. Arneth, D. Baisero, E. Caton, R. Chaplin-Kramer, L. Chini, A. De Palma, F. Di Fulvio, M. Di Marco, F. Espinoza, S. Ferrier, S. Fujimori, R.E. Gonzalez, M. Gueguen, C. Guerra, M. Hartfoot, T.D. Harwood, T. Hasegawa, V. Haverd, P. Havlik, S. Hellweg, S.L. Hill, A. Hirata, A.J. Hoskins, J.H. Janse, W. Jetz, J.A. Johnson, A. Krause, D. Leclere, I.S. Martins, T. Matsui, C. Merow, M. Obersteiner, H. Ohashi, B. Poulter, A. Purvis, B. Quesada, C. Rondinini, A. Schipper, R. Sharp, K. Takahashi, W. Thuiller, N. Titeux, P. Visconti, C. Ware, F. Wolf, H.M. Pereira (2018) A protocol for an intercomparison of biodiversity and ecosystem services models using harmonized land-use and climate scenarios. Geoscientific Model Development, 11:4537-4562.


  • Mazor, T., C. Doropoulos, F. Schwarzmueller, D.W. Gladish, N. Kumaran, K. Merkel, M. Di Marco, V. Gagic (2018) Global mismatch of policy and research on drivers of biodiversity loss. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2:1071–1074.


  • Di Marco, M., J.E.M. Watson, D. Currie, H.P. Possingham, O. Venter (2018) The extent and predictability of the biodiversity-carbon correlation. Ecology Letters, 21(3): 365-375.


  • Venter, O., A. Magrach, N. Outram, C.J. Klein, H.P. Possingham, M. Di Marco, J.E.M. Watson (2018) Bias in protected-area location and its effects on long-term aspirations of biodiversity conventions. Conservation Biology, 32(1): 127–134.


  • McGowan, J., R.J. Smith, M. Di Marco, R. Clarke and H.P. Possingham (2018) An evaluation of Marine Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas in the context of spatial conservation prioritization. Conservation Letter, 11: 1e12399.



  • Allen, T., K.A. Murray, C. Zambrana-Torrelio, S.S. Morse, C. Rondinini, M. Di Marco, N. Breit, K.J. Olival, P. Daszak (2017) Global hotspots and correlates of emerging zoonoses. Nature Communications, 8(1):1124 .


  • Crooks, K.R., C.L. Burdett, D.M. Theobald , S.R.B. King , M. Di Marco, C. Rondinini , L. Boitani (2017) Quantification of Habitat Fragmentation Reveals Extinction Risk in Terrestrial Mammals. PNAS, 114 (29):7635-7640.


  • Santini, L., M. González-Suárez, C. Rondinini, and M. Di Marco (2017) Shifting baseline in macroecology? Unraveling the influence of human impact on mammalian body mass. Diversity and Distribution, 23(6): 640–649.


  • Di Marco, M., J.E.M. Watson, H.P. Possingham and O. Venter (2017) Limitations and trade-offs in the use of global species distribution maps for protected area planning. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54(2): 402–411.


  • Di Marco, M., S. Chapman, G. Althor, S. Kearney, C. Besancon, N. Butt, J.M. Maina, H.P. Possingham, K. Rogalla von Bieberstein, O. Venter, and J.E.M. Watson (2017) Changing trends and persisting biases in three decades of conservation science. Global Ecology and Conservation, 10:32-42.



  • Watson, J.E.M., D.F. Shanahan, M. Di Marco, J. Allan, W.F. Laurance, E.W. Sanderson, B. Mackey and O. Venter (2016) Catastrophic declines in wilderness areas undermine global environment targets. Current Biology 26(21), 2929 - 2934.


  • Di Marco, M., J.E.M. Watson, O. Venter, and H.P. Possingham (2016) Global biodiversity targets require both sufficiency and efficiency. Conservation Letters, 9(6), 395–397.


  • Watson, J, K Jones, R Fuller, M Di Marco, D Segan, S Butchart, J Allan, E McDonald-Madden, O Venter (2016) Persistent Disparities between Recent Rates of Habitat Conversion and Protection and Implications for Future Global Conservation Targets. Conservation Letters, 9(6):413–421.


  • Butchart, S., M. Di Marco, J. Watson (2016) Formulating smart commitments on biodiversity: lessons from the Aichi Targets. Conservation Letters, 9(6):457-468.


  • Juffe-Bignoli, D., T.M. Brooks, S.H.M.Butchart, R.B. Jenkins, K. Boe, M. Hoffmann, A. Angulo, S. Bachman, M. Böhm, N. Brummitt, K.E. Carpenter, P.J. Comer, N. Cox, A. Cuttelod, W.R.T. Darwall, M. Di Marco, L.D.C. Fishpool, B. Goettsch, M. Heath, C. Hilton-Taylor, J. Hutton, T. Johnson, A. Joolia, D.A. Keith, P.F. Langhammer, J. Luedtke, E.N. Lughadha, M. Lutz, I. May, R.M. Miller, M.A. Oliveira-Miranda, M. Parr, C.M. Pollock, G. Ralph, J.P. Rodríguez, C. Rondinini, J. Smart, S. Stuart, A. Symes, A.W. Tordoff, S. Woodley, B. Young, N. Kingston (2016) Assessing the cost of global biodiversity and conservation knowledge. PLoS ONE, 11(8): e0160640.


  • Di Marco, M., L. Santini, P. Visconti, A. Mortelliti, L. Boitani and C. Rondinini (2016) Using habitat suitability models to scale up population persistence targets for global species conservation. Hystrix Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 27(1): doi 10.4404/hystrix-27.1-11660.


  • Tracewski, L., S.H.M. Butchart, M. Di Marco, G.F. Ficetola, C. Rondinini, A. Symes, H. Wheatley, A.E. Beresford, and G.M. Buchanan (2016) Toward quantification of the impact of 21st century deforestation on the extinction risk of terrestrial vertebrates. Conservation Biology, 30: 1070–1079.


  • Di Marco, M., S.H.M. Butchart, P. Visconti, G.M. Buchanan, G.F. Ficetola, C. Rondinini (2016) Synergies and trade-offs in achieving global biodiversity targets. Conservation Biology, 30:189-195.


  • Di Marco, M., T. Brooks, A. Cuttelod, L.D.C. Fishpool, C. Rondinini, R.J. Smith, L. Bennun, S.H.M. Butchart, S. Ferrier, R.P.B. Foppen, L. Joppa, D. Juffe-Bignoli, A.T. Knight, J.F. Lamoreux, P.F. Langhammer, I. May, H.P. Possingham, P. Visconti, J.E.M. Watson, S. Woodley (2016) Quantifying the relative irreplaceability of Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas. Conservation Biology, 30: 392–402.


  • Di Marco, M. & L. Santini (2016) Climatic tolerance or geographic breadth: what are we measuring? Global Change Biology, 22(3): 972–973.


  • Visconti, P., M. Bakkenes, D. Baisero, T. Brooks, S. H. M. Butchart, L. Joppa, R. Alkemade, M. Di Marco, L. Santini, M. Hoffmann, L. Maiorano, R. L. Pressey, A. Arponen, L. Boitani, A. Reside, D. van Vuuren, C. Rondinini (2016) Projecting global biodiversity indicators under future development scenarios. Conservation Letters, 9: 5–13.



  • Di Marco, M., B. Collen, C. Rondinini and G.M. Mace (2015) Historical drivers of change in species extinction risk: using past evidence to direct future monitoring. Proceedings of The Royal Society B, 282:20150928


  • Mantyka-Pringle, C.S., P. Visconti, M. Di Marco, T. G. Martin, C. Rondinini & J. R. Rhodes (2015) Climate change mediates risk of global biodiversity loss due to land-cover change. Biological Conservation, 187: 103-111.


  • Di Marco, M. & L. Santini (2015) Human pressures predict species' geographic range size better than biological traits. Global Change Biology, 21(6): 2169-2178.



  • Penone, C., A.D. Davidson, K. T. Shoemaker, M. Di Marco, C. Rondinini, T. M. Brooks, B. E. Young, C. H. Graham, G. C. Costa (2014) Imputation of missing data in life-history traits datasets: which approach performs the best? Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5 (9): 961-970.


  • Venter, O., R.A. Fuller, D.B. Segan, J. Carwardine, T. Brooks, S.H.M. Butchart, M. Di Marco, T. Iwamura, L. Joseph, H.P. Possingham, R.Smith, M. Venter, J.E.M. Watson (2014) Targeting global protected area expansion for imperilled biodiversity. PLoS Biology, 12 (6): e1001891


  • Di Marco, M., GM. Buchanan, Z. Szantoi, M. Holmgren, G. Grottolo Marasini, D. Gross, S. Tranquilli, L. Boitani, and C. Rondinini (2014) Drivers of extinction risk in African mammals: the interplay of distribution state, human pressure, conservation response and species biology. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 369: 20130198.


  • Santini L., Di Marco M., Boitani L., Maiorano L., Rondinini C (2014) Incorporating spatial population structure in gap analysis reveals inequitable assessments of species protection. Diversity and Distribution, 20: 698-707.


  • Di Marco, M., L. Boitani, D. Mallon, M. Hoffmann, A. Iacucci, E. Meijaard, P. Visconti, J. Schipper, C. Rondinini (2014) A retrospective evaluation of the global decline of carnivores and ungulates. Conservation Biology, 28: 1109-1118.


  • Murray, K.A., L. Verde, A. Davidson, M. Di Marco, M. Di Fonzo (2014) Threat to the point: improving the value of comparative extinction risk analysis for conservation action. Global Change Biology, 20: 483-494.


  • Rondinini, C, M Di Marco (corresponding author), P Visconti, SHM Butchart, L Boitani (2014) Update or outdate: long-term viability of the IUCN Red List. Conservation Letters, 7: 126–130.



  • Pacifici, M., L. Santini, M. Di Marco (corresponding author), D. Baisero, L. Francucci, G. Grottolo Marasini, P. Visconti, C. Rondinini (2013) Generation length for mammals. Nature Conservation, 5:89-94.


  • Di Marco, M., C. Rondinini, L. Boitani, K. A. Murray (2013) Comparing multiple species distribution proxies and different quantifications of the Human Footprint map, implications for conservation. Biological Conservation, 165:203–211.


  • Santini L., Di Marco M., Visconti P., Baisero D., Boitani L., Rondinini C. (2013) Ecological correlates of dispersal distance in terrestrial mammals. Hystrix Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 24(2):181-186.


  • Visconti, P., M. Di Marco (corresponding author), J.G. Álvarez-Romero, S.R. Januchowski-Hartley, R.L. Pressey, R Weeks, R., C. Rondinini (2013) Effects of errors and gaps in spatial data sets on assessment of conservation progress. Conservation Biology, 27:1000-1010.



  • Di Marco, M., M. Cardillo, H.P. Possingham, K.A. Wilson, S.P. Blomberg, L. Boitani and C. Rondinini (2012) A Novel Approach for Global Mammal Extinction Risk Reduction. Conservation Letters, 5(2):134-141.



  • Rondinini, C., L. Boitani, A.S.L. Rodrigues, T.M. Brooks, R.L. Pressey, P. Visconti, J.E.M. Baillie, D. Baisero, M. Cabeza, K.R. Crooks, M. Di Marco, K.H. Redford, S.A. Andelman, M. Hoffmann, L. Maiorano, S.N. Stuart and K.A. Wilson (2011) Reconciling global mammal prioritisation schemes into a strategy. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 366(1578):2722-2728.


  • Rondinini, C., M. Di Marco, F. Chiozza, G. Santulli, D. Baisero, P. Visconti, M. Hoffmann, J. Schipper, S.N. Stuart, M.F. Tognelli, G. Amori, A. Falcucci, L. Maiorano and L. Boitani (2011) Global habitat suitability models for terrestrial mammals. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 366 (1578):2633-2641.


  • Wilson, K.A., M.C. Evans, M. Di Marco, D.C. Green, L. Boitani, H.P. Possingham, F. Chiozza, and C. Rondinini (2011) Prioritising conservation investments for mammal species globally. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 366 (1578):2670-2680.

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