I am a conservation biologist with a passion for addressing the challenges that global change poses to biodiversity. I am especially interested in developing quantitative techniques for addressing large-scale conservation problems, and evaluate how the solutions to these problems interact with the achievement of other societal goals (such as food production, climate change mitigation, improved human well-being). Since 2009 I’ve worked for Universities, NGOs, and GOs across Europe and Australia, collaborating with >220 researchers worldwide. I have a BSc (2006), a MSc (2009), and a PhD (2013) in Ecology. I also have Italian academic qualifications as Assoc. Prof. in Zoology and Assoc. Prof. in Ecology.
Current position
I am a Research Fellow (Assist. Prof.) at the Dept. of Biology and Biotechnology of Sapienza University of Rome (Italy).
Adjunct roles
Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Queensland (Australia)
Handling Editor for the journal Conservation Biology of the Society for Conservation Biology (USA)